C.E.M. PATANAKARN CO., LTD. Was incorporated as legal entity on October 4, 2002 The company has expertise in design, construction and installation work with the system Such as electrical and mechanical systems for buildings and factories and more in parts of the system In terms of energy saving building and factories.

The company look forward to receive the trust from you for the opportunity to service to serve you at the services mentioned above, the willingness and met customer needs.


Company Name: C.E.M. PATANAKARN CO., LTD.

Office Location: 1/14 Siriyahome Village, Soi Suansiam 20, Kannayao, Kannayao, Bangkok,  Thailand, 10230

Established on: 4 October 2002

Tax ID: 0105545105432

Tel: +66 2917-8528-9   Fax: +66 2917-8525  

Website : www.cempatanakarn.com

Email: cempatanakarn@gmail.com, cem_contact@yahoo.com 

facebook: @cempatanakarn